UCEM is committed to widening access and participation by providing education that is accessible to all, to enable students to achieve and develop in their careers. Full details can be found in our annual Access and Participation Plan 2019-2020 and the Access and Participation Plan 2021-2024. The Access and Participation Plan 2021-2024 contains a fee summary table describing 2020-21 fee levels. In order to provide you with up-to-date information, you can now view the 2021-22 Fee Summary Table. The access and participation plans have been approved by the Office for Students (OfS) which regulates the provision of higher education in England.
UCEM is committed to ensuring, as far as is reasonably practicable, that learning associated with its programmes takes place in a safe, healthy and supportive environment, which meets the needs of learners regardless of where it is delivered and by whom. Read the Apprenticeship Learner Health and Safety Policy for more details.
We are fully committed to protecting the rights of individuals to have their personal data collected and stored securely and used for only legitimate and lawful purposes for which their consent has been sought. UCEM complies with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR).
To understand the types of records we keep and how your data may be used, please refer to the full details within the policies below:
Data Protection Policy
Our Data Protection Policy sets out how we comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR. Read the full UCEM Data Protection Policy.
Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy sets out the type of information we collect and how it is used. Read the full UCEM Privacy Policy.
This Graduation Privacy Notice sets out how UCEM will collect, use, disclose and protect your personal data. This notice applies to graduating students at UCEM, including undergraduate, postgraduate, apprenticeship students, and guests attending graduation ceremonies. It outlines the types of data that we hold and how we use it for planning purposes and during graduation ceremonies. This applies to all students who are intending to graduate or may be eligible for an award and whether they attend a ceremony in person or graduate in absentia.
These policies also apply to delegates of the UCEM Online Academy.
UCEM is committed to protecting the value of its qualifications both now and in the future and, as such, has undertaken detailed analysis of its institutional degree classification profile over the last four years. UCEM’s Degree Outcomes Statement sets out the outcome of this review and is published in line with UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment guidance. Read UCEM’s Degree Outcomes Statement for more details.
We are committed to a policy of equal opportunities. This means that no one is treated differently for reasons of gender, age, ethnic or national origins, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender identification or disability. More details can be found in the UCEM Code of Practice Equality and Diversity.
Our commitment to equal opportunities also applies to delegates of the UCEM Online Academy.
UCEM recognises that intellectual property generated by research and other work undertaken by UCEM is an important asset and encourages staff and students to contribute towards this. The policy outlines the rights, responsibilities and procedures for the institution and its research, staff and students in relation to their intellect and creative output. Read the Intellectual Property Policy for more details.
This policy also applies to delegates of the UCEM Online Academy.
You are strongly advised to ensure that if you visit any site or undertake any work shadowing or similar activity as part of your studies, that you have appropriate personal insurance cover. Arranging such cover is the responsibility of each individual student. We regret that we are not able to undertake this function and cannot be held liable for any accident or injury sustained in connection with the pursuance of our courses.
This also applies to delegates of the UCEM Online Academy.
UCEM has a duty under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (2015) ‘to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. UCEM’s Prevent Procedure can be found on our Code of Practice page and provides high-level information on the requirements of the Prevent Duty and UCEM’s approach to complying with this duty.
This policy sets out UCEM’s approach to refunds and compensation for our students, including instances where a student voluntarily opts to leave a UCEM programme, or under circumstances where UCEM’s Student Protection Plan comes into effect. Read our UCEM Refund and Compensation Policy or access the Refund and Compensation Request Form.
UCEM is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults. The Board of Trustees and UCEM staff recognise that a safe environment and the provision of clear processes for communication and taking action ensure the best outcomes for all students. UCEM sets out its expectations and commitments around effective safeguarding practices in its safeguarding procedure which can be found in our Code of Practice.
UCEM’s Student Protection Plan sets out the measures that the institution has in place to protect students should a risk to the continuation of studies arise, and the action UCEM will take to protect student interests and assure continuity of study in the event of a programme closure, or if UCEM is no longer able to operate.
This policy explains how students may transfer between programmes at UCEM, as well as student transfer between higher education providers. Read the Student Transfer Policy for more details.
We aim to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that at all stages you understand how we will work with you. Read the UCEM Terms and Conditions of Contract.
Further student and academic policies and procedures can be found on our Code of Practice page. Students can also find regulations and programme specifications on a separate webpage.
Unless stated otherwise, these policies do not apply to delegates of the UCEM Online Academy.
The purpose of the External Speaker Policy is to set in place a governing framework for visiting speakers to UCEM, be it online, face-to-face, marketing or CPD events, to ensure that debate, challenge and dissent are not only permitted but expected. Read the UCEM External Speaker Policy.
This policy sets out UCEM’s approach to freedom of speech for the benefit of students and staff of the institution. It is applicable for UCEM events held on UCEM premises or through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), as well as for external events including CPD events. Read the UCEM Freedom of Speech Policy.
Under The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, UCEM has a duty to report its Gender Pay Gap. Reporting involves carrying out six calculations that show the difference between the average earnings of men and women at UCEM. It is important to highlight that the gender pay gap differs from equal pay. Equal pay addresses pay differences between men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs or work of equal value. Our report sets out UCEM’s gender pay gap figures, provides contextual information, and explains what we are doing to close the gap.
You can view the full UCEM 2019 Gender Pay Gap Report.
Our Subcontracting Policy sets out our policy, process and support arrangements relating to subcontracting as part of our Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) funded apprenticeship programme delivery. Read the Subcontracting Policy.
This statement demonstrates how UCEM applies knowledge, skills and resources for the wider public benefit as a socially responsible institution. Read the UCEM Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Statement.
We encourage any member of the UCEM community who has serious concerns about any aspects of its work to come forward and voice these concerns. This policy sets out the process by which students and student employers can raise genuine and legitimate concerns internally without fear of victimisation, detrimental treatment or retaliation. Read the Whistleblowing Policy.
Enquiries Team
UK (Free): 0800 019 9697
International: +44 (0)118 921 4696