CPD: What Hong Kong Developers are Thinking: The Concepts and Principles of Development Strategy – 16 June 2024

What Hong Kong Developers are Thinking? The objective of this face-to-face professional competence workshop is to enhance participants’ comprehension of concepts and principles of development strategy, particularly in the current…

CPD Quantity Surveying Measurement 22 May 2024

CPD: Quantity Surveying Measurement – 22 May 2024

Join Sr Kwok Siu-Wing, Patrick for this brief seminar focusing on the importance of quantity surveying measurement work. Providing relevance to, and support the development of, core professional competency; this…

CPD: Know before you build – tactics to deal with relevant department(s) 9 April 2024

CPD: Know before you build – tactics to deal with relevant department(s) – 9 April 2024

    Speaker: Sr Anderson CB Chan LLB, LLM LLM, MA, DPM, GCURP, GCBL, GC Ed, PCEUL, MHKIS, MRICS, MPIA, MEIANZ and Barrister (UK & HK) Past Chairman, Buildings Department…

BSc Application Deadline Extended

BSc Application Deadline Extended

BSc application deadline extends to 4 March 2024. Due to the popular demand, our admission extends the BSc application deadline to 4 March (Mon). Don't miss the chance and Apply…

MSc & MBA Application Deadline Extended

MSc & MBA Application Deadline Extended

MSc & MBA application deadline extends to 19 February Due to the popular demand, our application system encountered some issues yesterday. Admission decides to extend the MSc & MBA application…

CPD: Renovation and Revitalisation Projects (RMAA) – 6 December 2023

CPD: Renovation and Revitalisation Projects (RMAA) – 6 December 2023

    Speaker: Mr Kong Wing Kin (Alias: Stanley) BSc(Hons) MHKICM MCIOB C.Build E MCABE MAIB Constructor-PRC(Qianhai) AS(RGBC) RSO Mr Kong is a veteran construction professional with comprehensive experience in…

CPD: Property Valuation in Mainland China – 2 Nov 2023

CPD: Property Valuation in Mainland China – 2 Nov 2023

    Speaker: Mr Christopher Cheung BSc (Hons), BBA (Hons), MRICS, MHKIS, RPS (GP) Mr. Christopher Cheung is an experienced Chartered Valuation Surveyor. He is currently the Director of Real…

CPD: Historic Building Conservation in Hong Kong – 28 Sept 2023

CPD: Historic Building Conservation in Hong Kong – 28 Sept 2023

    Speaker: Mr Lam Sair Ling, Faustus HKIA CIOH HKICON Mr Lam Sair Ling, Faustus, is an experienced registered architect. He is currently Head of Property of Caritas Hong…

BSc Application Deadline Extended

BSc Application Deadline Extended

BSc application deadline extends to 25 August 2023. Due to the popular demand, our admission extends the BSc application deadline to 25 August (Fri). Don't miss the chance and Apply…

MSc & MBA Application Deadline Extended

MSc & MBA Application Deadline Extended

MSc & MBA application deadline extends to 22 August Due to the popular demand, our application system encountered some issues yesterday. Admission decides to extend the MSc & MBA application…

Leader talks: How to manage an international surveying company (Guest speaker: Sr CK Lau, JP)

It is our honour to have Sr CK Lau, JP (FHKIS, MRICS, Member of CIREAA, RPS(GP)) to share his experience on managing an international surveying company, on Tuesday 25 July…

Successful Story: Sharing of a Chartered Quantity Surveyor

It is our honour to have Sr Dr Stephen Lai (PPHKIS, FRICS FHKIS, FRCE, Hon Fellow HKIPM, RPS(QS)) to share his successful story on becoming a chartered surveyor, on Thursday…