CPD: Understanding the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) – 5 Oct 2022

Posted on: 2022-09-22












Sr Professor Gary MK Yeung, BSc (Hons), LLB, MBA, FHKIS, FRICS, F.PFM
Adjunct Professor of Thei, RICS Licensed Assessor Trainer (LAT), President (2021-22) HKIFM

Date: Wednesday 5 October 2022
Duration: 3 Hours (19:00-22:00)
Location: Hybrid (Zoom or at the UCEM HK Office)
Fee: £40.00 + VAT


Join Sr Professor Gary Yeung (RICS Licenced Assessor Trainer) at this training workshop – “Understanding the Assessment of Professional Competence”. The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese, supplemented with English slides.

This workshop is most suitable for students and those recently graduated who want to prepare for the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) for either the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) or the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS).


Content Outline

  • Understand the APC Process Requirements
  • Choosing the Right HKIS Division/RICS Pathway
  • What are “Summary of Experience, Critical Analysis and Case Study”?
  • What is Final Assessment?
  • Questions and Answer, with experience sharing as RICS Licenced Assessor Trainer


The workshop will review the processes for both institutions with the primary focus on the RICS.


Enrol here via Online Academy


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